General Information
Hours of Operation
Our childcare program begins with Infants – Four Year Old children. We also provide an Afterschool program option for children from Kindergarten to 5th Grade. Our hours of operation are 7:00am-6:00pm Monday – Friday, with Two, Three, and Five Day a week options.
Holidays and Weather
Our Highland Learning Center Calendar will follow the Madison County School calendar. Our Preschool Holidays and Inclement Weather Closings will also follow the Madison County Schools. However, if they have Late Arrival days during inclement weather, Highland will be closed for the day and will not make up for days missed. The safety of our children is our priority.
Holidays and ClosuresArrival, Departure, and Absences
Upon arrival, please turn off your car and come inside. Every parent must sign your child in and walk them to their childcare classroom. Please make sure that their teacher is aware of their arrival. Only authorized adults 18 & over are allowed to sign in and out and accompany a child in and out of Highland. Please check your child’s classroom cubby for notes. Also, please call us if your child will be absent for any reason. We miss you when you are gone!
Wellness and Medicine
It is very important to us to keep our children as healthy and happy as possible. We do enforce a strict wellness policy and ask parents to keep their child home if they have any of the following symptoms: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive discharge from their nose or eyes. Children may return to Highland when all symptoms have subsided without medication for at least 24 hours or when doctors approve return. When in doubt, please apply the “Golden Rule”. It is our policy that no medications will be administered by the Highland staff. Please do not send medications to our center.