


6 weeks - 12 months


An infant is classified as any child under the age of 12 months. Due to the highly individualized needs of infants, we do not follow a structured schedule. The primary ‘curriculum’ for infants is interaction with their caregiver. Infants are free to creep, crawl, and walk as they are physically able. For infants who cannot move about the room, our daycare caregivers frequently change the place and position of the infant and the selection of toys available.

Infants will only be placed in their cribs when sleeping. Parents will be given a daily report of the infant’s care.

Highland will provide a crib for each infant as well as toys that are safe and contribute to the infant’s sensory perception and motor development. Developmentally age-appropriate toys that are available and accessible for infants include, but are not limited to, the following: lightweight, washable toys, rattles, squeak toys, action/reaction toys, cuddly toys, and teething toys. Crawling space is provided.

It is the parent’s responsibility to provide formula, baby food, disposable diapers, and wipes. Each parent should provide ready-made bottles with their child’s name clearly marked on each bottle and top. Parents should also label the tops of baby food jars with their child’s name or initials. 2 changes of clothes should either be in the child’s diaper bag daily or placed in a clear, zip-lock bag and left in the child’s cubby.

Enrollment Contact Us for a Tour
Infant Schedule
8:00 AM Arrival
8:30 AM Diaper Changes
8:45 AM Story Time
9:00 AM Snack Time
9:30 AM Tummy Time
9:45 AM Hand Washing
10:00 AM Play Time
10:15 AM Art Time
10:30 AM Diaper Changes
10:45 AM Story Time
11:00 AM Lunch Time
11:15 AM Music Time
11:30 AM Diaper Check
11:45 AM Story Time
12:00 PM Nap Time
1:00 PM Nap Time
2:30 PM Diaper Change
3:00 PM Outside Time
3:45 PM Tummy Time
4:00 - 6:00 PM            Pick up/Free Play